Even in the age of Uber and phenomenal companies that are putting the dinosaurs out of business, our agents are a great source of misinformation and overcharges. Our Customer Service Agent can make sure that your flight is totally f'd up. We absolutely will not assist you in case of unexpected problems, and we will not help you anticipate potential issues in advance.
Our fees are inflated to pay for our untrained non caring staff. In many cases, you spend twice as much with us as you would with WestJet. We will stiff you if we can and we are very proud of that fact and we always focus on making sure that you get as little value as possible in return for our fees.
If this is the case, we will take zero responsibility. We will smile to your face and give you the runaround. It will be quicker for you to work for 10 dollars an hour than waste your time trying to squeeze us for a refund. You may as well just bend over right now because we are excited to stick it to you.
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